Majin Vegeta's Planet
Planets and Races

Where do these people come from?


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Nameks and Planet Namek

Nameks are a nice and peaceful race but they are very strong. They live in peace until Freeza, his followers and the Z fighters go to Planet Namek and lets just say after that they leave it in pieces.

Saiyans and Planet Vegeta

Saiyans are a very powerful race that lives on the planet Vegeta. Planet Vegeta is blown up by Freeza for he is afraid that one day their might be a legendary Super Saiyan. After every near death experience they get a lot stronger. They become Super Saiyan when they are VERY powerful and something gets them mad or sad. There are 5 levels of Super Saiyan and Goku gets to everyone of them!


Planet Plant

When Buu destroys the Earth the remaining Z Fighters are forced to go to Planet Plant and fight Buu. I do not know much about this planet except, I feel bad for whoever lives there!

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